Thursday, December 28, 2023

Why cancer is top cause of death in West, but not parts of Asia?

                                     Not Medical advice, I am not a doctor

Please check this with a qualified health care professional

 Cancer is kept under control if our immune system is strong
Chronic long term inflammation eventually leads to cancer 

Strong immune system + zero inflammation = Path to longevity

💥Why Europe, N America have highest cancer rates globally, but NOT poorer Asian nations?

  • high meat, processed meat (ham, bacon, sausage) consumption
  • high milk & cheese consumption
  • high alcohol consumption 
  • no 12-month sun (lack Vit-D a known cancer inhibitor)
  • more coffee than tea (black, green or matcha tea are cancer inhibitors)
  • no Turmeric, Tea or Tofu culture: (known cancer inhibitors)
  • not enough daily mushroom (known cancer inhibitor)

💥Why India, Nepal, Bhutan & Sri Lanka have lowest cancer rates in the world ?
💥Why Japanese live longest despite NOT having lowest cancer rates* ?
  • green tea and Matcha tea
  • tofu is common
  • more fish than red meat (sushi, sashimi etc)
  • Natto for breakfast (ie Vit-K2 )
  • mushrooms regularly eaten
  • Ginger use is common
  • Edamame (immature soy bean) common
    *many live longer with cancer and often die of something else

💥Why Okinawans live EVEN longer than rest of Japan  ?
      ... in addition to above:
  • turmeric tea
  • eat more sweet potato than rice (contains Sporamin, cancer inhibitor)
  • fish once a week, beans & tofu is main source of daily protein
  • pork & chicken once a month
  • red meat once a year during festivals (if at all !)
  • no milk or cheese  or ham/ bacon / sausage culture
  • caloric restriction: they do not eat beyond 80% full (Hara Hachi Bu)
  • .. sunny tropical island, get 12-month sun (unlike North Japan)
  • lots of green leafy veggies, NOT grown in colder North Japan
  • much lower sugar consumption unlike the West 

💥What are common food sources of carcinogens?
  • sugar, including natural sweet fruit, honey, molasses
                                                                     Sugar feeds cancer ! 👿
  • processed meats: ham, bacon, sausage, pepperoni
  • foods fermented with salt : kim chi, miso & salted-sauerkraut
    foods fermented without salt are safer: eg kombucha, wine, yoghurt & unsalted-sauerkraut
  • foods cooked in high temp oils: fries, potato chips, doughnuts, accumulate Acrylamide
  • excess iron as in red meat and pill supplement
  • excess alcohol
  • aflatoxin mold in peanuts, pistachio nuts
  • pesticides, food colorings. artificial sweeteners and preservatives

💥What longevity lessons from other Blue Zones ?
Blue zones are places with unusually high number of centenarians per 100,00 residents.
Okinawa/ Japan, Ikaria/ Greece, Sardinia/ Italy, Nicosia/Costa Rica & Loma Linda/California
  • extra Virgin Olive Oil EVOO inhibits cancer,
    make sure they're not fake oils from Italy or Spain
    real Olive oil taste a bit bitter & peppery and make u cough when u drink it
  • all 5 Blue Zones eat fish 1-2 times a week
    small fish: sardine, anchovy or salmon
    avoid large fish (tuna, mackerel) due to high mercury content

  • all 5-Blue Zones eat WIDE variety of veggies (not just carrot, tomato)
  • green leafy veggies contain cancer inhibitors
  • kale, spinach, rocket, bok choy, swiss chard/ silver beet, collard greens etc 
  • broccoli, brussel sprouts, cabbage all contain Sulforaphane, a known cancer killer

  • beans are eaten on the other 5 days:
  • chickpeas, lentils, fava (broad beans), black bean, edamame (immature soybean) & tofu 

  • natural exercise (not gym) most tend to their veggie patch in backyard, walk 45mins daily  
  • 4 of 5 of Blue Zones are in poorest parts of country and dont rely on doctors to tell them how avoid illness
  • all 5 Blue Zones get 12-month sun (all below 40degree north-latitude, Ottawa is 45 degree)



💥 Do emotions have any role in cancer?
 A lot has been said about how people who bottle up sadness for decades, pent up frustration or bitterness, tend to get cancer in later life. The theory is that such deep repression suppresses the immune system, preventing it from fighting off cancer and healing and repairing damaged tissue. Such people can often be recognized as the perpetual "Mr-nice-guy", never angry or upset at anything, but infact they have bottled up a lot of unhappiness, clinging on to bad ancient events, trauma and memories.

The best thing to do is to let go.
Forgive those who have wronged you, not for them, but for your own sanity & health.
You are the better person.
When you forgive, you let go and you are free.

💥 Any other useful reference sources?

💥 ..... any more ?  ? 

Survival testimonies, videos and books 

1. Frenchman Guy Tenenbaum bounces back from stage-4 prostate cancer (metastasized)
2. Guy Tenenbaum: how-he beat-terminal-cancer book

3. Give up dairy to beat cancer: 
Dr. Linda Plant given months to live, changes her diet, still alive 20 years later

4. Chris beat cancer
5. Aussie tradesman beats cancer 3 times after swapping beer & steak for veggie juices: click >> here

6. 70 yo Allan Taylor beats terminal colon cancer using alkaline diet & supplements

7.  Dad-of-2 claims stage 4 cancer went into remission after switching to strict animal-free
     diet refusing other treatment. click >> here

890% of cases could be wiped out by avoiding triggers caused by unhealthy lifestyles

9Mediterranean diet can stop breast cancer returning << read !|

10. Don’t make this cooking mistake !  Avoid damaging Broccoli, Brussel sprouts 
11. Countries with highest /lowest cancer rates:
12. Summary of the China study book:

14. UV-A from early & late sun has good protective effects against cancer heart disease

Monday, November 6, 2023

Fish Chicken Pork Lamb or Beef?

For 100grams each, which has most or least iron content? 👈
Beef, pork, lamb, chicken or fish ?


Beef and lamb have the highest iron content followed by pork. Chicken has the less iron content, followed by fish. 👈
Note that the iron content of meat can vary depending on the cut of meat, the cooking method, and the age of the animal. Eg a 3.5-ounce cooked hamburger patty has about 2.7 mg of iron, while a 3.5-ounce cooked lamb chop has about 4.5 mg of iron.

Study of Over 1 Million People Finds Intriguing Link Between Iron Levels And Lifespan
17 July 2020

"...Put simply, having too much iron in the blood appeared to be linked to an increased risk of dying earlier."👈 

Is fish a better source of nutrition than red meat such as beef, lamb, chicken or pork ?

Yes, fish is generally considered to be a better source of nutrition than red meat such as beef, lamb, or chicken or pork. This is because fish is typically lower in saturated fat and calories, and higher in protein, omega-3 fatty acids, and vitamin D.

Here is a comparison of the nutritional content of a 3.5-ounce (100-gram) cooked serving of various types of meat:

MeatCaloriesProteinSaturated fatOmega-3 fatty acidsVitamin D
Atlantic salmon20625 grams4 grams1.2 grams573 IU
Chicken breast16531 grams3 grams0.2 grams3 IU
Beef chuck roast25026 grams10 grams0.1 grams2 IU
Pork chop25026 grams8 grams0.1 grams2 IU

As you can see, salmon is the most nutritious type of meat, followed by chicken breast. Beef chuck roast and pork chops are the least nutritious types of meat.

Fish is also a good source of other nutrients, such as selenium, iodine, and vitamin B12. These nutrients are important for overall health and well-being.

The American Heart Association recommends eating two servings of fish per week, especially fatty fish such as salmon, tuna, and mackerel. Fatty fish are particularly high in omega-3 fatty acids, which have been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, and other chronic diseases.

If you are looking for a healthier alternative to red meat, fish is a good option. It is a nutrient-rich food that can help to improve your overall health.
Why is lamb and beef termed red meat whilst turkey, pork, chicken and fish are not ?   

Meat is classified as red or white based on its myoglobin content. Myoglobin is a protein that stores oxygen in muscle tissue. Red meat has more myoglobin than white meat, which is why it has a redder color. Myoglobin is important for muscle function, as it helps to deliver oxygen to the muscles during exercise. However, myoglobin can also break down into compounds that are harmful to the body, such as N-nitroso compounds (NOCs). NOCs have been linked to an increased risk of cancer. Red meat, such as beef and lamb, is typically higher in myoglobin than white meat, such as chicken and turkey. Pork is classified as red meat, but it has less myoglobin than beef and lamb. The following table shows the myoglobin content of different types of meat: | Meat | Myoglobin content (mg/100g) | | Beef | 8.0 | | Lamb | 7.5 | | Pork | 5.5 | | Chicken | 4.0 | | Turkey | 3.5 | As you can see, beef and lamb have the highest myoglobin content, followed by pork. Chicken and turkey have the lowest myoglobin content. It is important to note that the myoglobin content of meat can vary depending on a number of factors, such as the animal's diet, age, and muscle type. For example, grass-fed beef has a higher myoglobin content than grain-fed beef. The American Heart Association recommends eating red meat in moderation and choosing lean cuts whenever possible. It is also important to cook red meat at low temperatures to minimize the formation of NOCs. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The terms "red meat" and "white meat" are used to classify meat based on its myoglobin content. Myoglobin is a protein that stores oxygen in muscle tissue. Meat that has more myoglobin is considered red meat, while meat that has less myoglobin is considered white meat.

The following factors can affect the myoglobin content of meat:

  • Animal type:
    Some animals, such as cattle and sheep, naturally have more myoglobin in their muscles than other animals, such as poultry and fish. This is because these animals rely on their muscles for sustained activity, such as grazing and running.

  • Muscle type:
    Muscles that are used more often, such as the leg muscles of a chicken, have more myoglobin than muscles that are used less often, such as the breast muscles of a chicken.

  • Diet: Animals that eat a diet that is high in protein and low in fat tend to have more myoglobin in their muscles.

  • Age: As animals get older, their muscles tend to have more myoglobin.

Red meat is typically higher in saturated fat and cholesterol than white meat. However, red meat is also a good source of protein, iron, zinc, and other nutrients.

The following table ( moved to above) shows the myoglobin content of different types of meat:

As you can see, beef and lamb have the highest myoglobin content, followed by pork. Chicken and turkey have the lowest myoglobin content. Fish is considered to be a white meat because it has a very low myoglobin content.

It is important to note that the terms "red meat" and "white meat" are not scientific terms. They are culinary terms that are used to classify meat based on its color.

Here are some tips for choosing and preparing red meat:

  • Choose lean cuts of red meat, such as flank steak, eye round steak, and top sirloin steak.
  • Trim away any visible fat before cooking.
  • Cook red meat at low temperatures to prevent the formation of harmful compounds.
  • Eat red meat in moderation.