Saturday, November 19, 2022

Lessons from Blue Zones that extends lifespan

 Not Medical advice, I am not a doctor
Please check this with a qualified health care professional

 Cancer is kept under control if our immune system is strong
Chronic long term inflammation eventually leads to cancer 

Strong immune system + zero inflammation = Path to longevity

The following dietary ideas will lower cancer risks and also that of cardio vascular disease, diabetes, chronic kidney disease, osteoporosis, MS & Alzheimer's etc

ground & raw turmeric root

1.   Eat Turmeric as in Nepal, India, Butan & Sri Lanka
  •  They have lowest cancer rates in the world !
“But the strongest evidence so far is of turmeric.

Lab-based studies show curcumin in turmeric seems to kill cancer cells, particularly in breast, bowel, stomach and skin, even to prevent more from growing.”

  • India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bhutan enjoy lowest cancer rates because: 
    • curry (turmeric) is eaten 3-times daily
    • Hindus & Buddhists are mostly vegetarian
  • black pepper & oil with turmeric increases bioavailability by 20x ie. 2,000% 
  • turmeric helps arthritis & weight loss
2. Vegetarians in 5-Blue Zones have lowest cancer rates
  • What are Blue Zones<< read !
  • Blue Zones are places where folks have much higher-than-average of life expectancy and have the highest centenarian count per capita
  • A. Okinawa (island in Japan)
    B. Sardinia (island in Italy)
    C. Ikaria (island in Greece)
    D. Loma Linda (USA, 7th-day Adventist vegetarian enclave) 
    E. Nicoya ( coastal town in Costa Rica)

Eat less meat or be mostly vegetarian:
  • vegans or low meat eaters have significantly low rates of cancer 
  • meat/ dairy have growth factors (casein, leucine/ methionine) that make cancer grow

  • avoid meat, dairy or eggs completely for the rest of your life:
    > Even organic red meat is linked to cancer growth

  • ALL Blue Zoners eat very little meat, dairy or eggs 
  • They eat fish once a week aka Pescatarian 
  • A. low mercury fish = salmon, sardine & anchovy (not Tuna or shell fish )
    B. fish & kelp contain Iodine, a known cancer killer
    C. iodine is low in land animals or plants!

  • switch protein source to beans (chick pea, hummus, fava/ broad bean, red bean, mung bean etc and fish 
  • fish eating vegans (aka pescatarian), live longer than pure vegans or lacto-ova vegetarians (milk/egg eaters)
  • High-Protein diets linked to cancer risk  << read!
Fava aka Broad Bean

3. Caloric Restriction & Intermittent fasting is why Blue Zones have lowest cancer rate

Eat less, eat less often  

  • Eat less: Caloric Restriction (CR) Eat till 70% full
    > Okinawan pre-meal chant: 'Hara Hachi Bu'  
  • Middle East have significantly low cancer rates due to daylight fasting 28 days/yr during Ramadan << watch!

  • once a week, do full 24-hour water-only fast:  
  • eat less protein, excess fuels cancer growth

  • cut 3 meals a day to 2-meals ( if no cancer) or 1-meal (if recovering from cancer)
  • Intermittent Fasting/ IF starves tumors that eat 20X more than healthy cells
  • high protein diet correlates to shorter lives << read!

  • IF and CR ensure blood sugar (glucose) spikes less, and less often
  • such reductions automatically boosts immune system to heal & fight disease

  • breakfast should be heaviest meal and dinner lightest
  • ensure dinner is 3 hours before bed time

4Eat less sugar, honey or alcohol
  • sugar feeds cancer 
  • stopping sugar starves cancer cells
  • sweet fruit, juice is still sugar
  • organic apple, green banana, green papaya, green mango, blueberry are ok 

  • avoid preserved/ dried fruit
  • avoid non-dark chocolate
  • honey = sugar, use only when sick, NOT daily
  • natural sugar is still sugar and just as bad !

  • eat low-GI carbs (basmati or brown rice, sweet potato, greenish banana, beans)
  • eat less high-GI carbs: potato, jasmine rice, cooked carrots, ripe banana, cake, white bread, muffin
  • eat very dark chocolate ( >90%), has no milk & sugar is <2% or pure cocoa
  • carbs turn into glucose aka blood sugar and feed tumor cells 

  • Cancer loves sugar  << watch !
  • Get energy from oil instead of carbs:
     >  so, use more olive oil to replace carbs (ie low meat keto)

5.  Eat more special anti cancer foods
  • Broccoli sprout: highest level of cancer killing agent Sulforaphane << read !
    - best eaten raw 
  • Brussel sprout: lightly steamed max 4 minsovercooking destroys Sulforaphane 
  • Brussel sprouts, Broccoli, kale, cabbage, cauliflower, bok choy, rocket (arugula), watercresshave lower Sulforaphane but still good 

  • Tempeh   : fermented Indonesian tofu, Spermine kills cancer << read !
  • Turmeric : daily1-2 teaspoons, with pinch of black pepper 
  • Tofu         : likely reason for Japanese longevity
  • Tofu         : is better than soy milk, tofu eaten more in Asia than soy milk,         
                       which is more common in the West
  • Tofu         : has less phytoestrogens than soy milk, when tofu is heated 
                       phyto-estrogens leaches out 
  • Edamame: immature soybean, common in Japan.

    Found in frozen section of Asian groceries

    Found in frozen section of Asian groceries

  • Vitamin D / sunlight : deficiency in Vit-D dramatically lowers immunity
    (cancer is highest in places lacking12-month sun)
    >  Australia / NZ, Canada, Ireland, UK, Sweden, Norway etc)

    >  All Blue zone people get 12-month sun !

  • Selenium & Zinc: deficiency drastically lowers immunity, avoid supplements, get it from natural sources as supplementation of these 2 are possibly linked to increased cancer risk
    Selenium sources: Seafood (sardines, salmon, unsalted anchovy better), kelp
    Zinc sources: Seafood (sardines, salmon, unsalted anchovies are better).
    Lentils, chickpeas, beans, and peas, nuts and seeds:
    Pumpkin seeds, hemp seeds, cashews, almonds, and sunflower 

  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil EVOO 
    A. Mediterranean folks have much less cancer << read !
    B. in Oz: use Aussie brands from COLES / Woolies only
    C. DO NOT deviate to brands from other countries

    D. in USA / Canada: chose famous Californian brands
    E. food fraud is reported amongst some Mediterranean brands, expensive EVOO
        is mixed with cheaper oils like canola, soy, but labelled as EVOO

    F. EVOO = peppery & bitter taste, otherwise it's been diluted
    J. EVOO = good natural vitamin-E source, as is wheat germ.

  • Green, Jasmine tea or Matcha tea:
    A. 2 cups daily on empty stomach, ie 90 mins after meal, 30mins before
    B. ECGC in green tea inhibits tumor growth << read !
         (a factor in Japanese longevity, despite smoking etc )
    C. Matcha is powdered green tea where the whole leaf is consume, unlike in tea
         bags. More protective polyphenols are consumed instead of being discarded

  • Natto, fermented soybean is the richest source of natural Vit-K2
    and a recently discovered anti cancer vitamin. << read !

    A. likely reason for Japanese longevity is Natto, a breakfast food
    B. get Natto from Chinese, Japanese or Korean grocery 納豆 - 發酵大豆

        >> << read !
    C: Natto is the reason why Japanese women have youthful skin << watch !

  • Sweet potato (purple flesh) is eaten in Okinawa more than rice
    > contains beta-carotene & cancer killing agent Sporamin << read !
    > beta carotene deficiency linked to stomach cancer

Rocket, Rucola or Arugula

  • Anti-angiogenesis fruits & veggies
     > Starve cancer & fat cells   << watch !
    Cancer researcher Dr William Li, explains how some plants 'starve cancer cells to death'
    Search for him in Youtube, he talks about cancer inhibiting foods etc

    > Ellagic acid suppresses bladder cancer, details on p238 of his book << read !

6Get some sun

Lack of 12-month sun + heavy meat/ dairy diet...
... is why Australia, NZ, Ireland, UK, Canada, Norway, Denmark, Finland rank top 10 cancer rates out of 190 nations << read !

Get Melatonin & Nitric Oxide 
at  sunrise-to-9am or 5pm-to-sunset
  • 20-30mins daily: low risk of skin cancer as less UV-B radiation at these times
  • sunlight at these 2 times have mostly UV-A  &  Near-Field Infrared Rays << read !
  • NIR & UV-A  stimulate melatonin production  > calms inflammation, fights cancer
  • UV-A  & NIR stimulate Nitric Oxide /NO  production > protects heart & inhibits cancer  << watch!

Get Vitamin D from sun from 10am to 4pm 
  • 10 mins of direct sun (not behind glass) for Ultra Violet-B to trigger Vit-D production 
  • Vitamin-D inhibits cancer. Click here << and here <<
  • If you  have dark skin, an office worker or avoid sun, you're likely Vit-D deficient
  • Do get tested, annual Vit-D test is free in many countries

8Sleep before 11pm and stress less
  • 7-8 hours deep restful sleep
  • sleep allows body/brain to detox, heal, repair and fight cancer

  • stay off stressful jobs / situations, 
  • rushing, multi-tasking, worrying, anger, sadness, boredom = forms of stress
  • stress weakens immune system powerfully

  • release bad memories, avoid reliving them by pondering and talking about it
  • forgiveness benefits you, not the offender 
  • forgiveness gives you peace of mind and emotional freedom!

9. Other foods to minimise 
  • Foods cooked at high temperature damage the molecular structure of nutrients (glycation etc) and turns food into non-food:

    A. BBQ, roasting, toasting, deep fry, all involve temp > 200 °C.   read this  <<
    B. stir fry is not as bad as cooking time is brief
    C. boiling/ steaming  = 100 °C
    D. pressure cooker    =  120 °C

    E. TCM advice is to minimize all foods cooked at high temp

  • Cooking Methods Matter
    How you cook meat can make a difference in how big a cancer risk it poses. Frying, grilling, and broiling meats at very high temperatures causes chemicals to form that may increase cancer risk. Other cooking methods such as stewing, braising, or steaming appear to produce fewer of those chemicals. 
  • Some meat cooking methods increases cancer risks

  • food from tin can contains endocrine disruptors like BPA
  • water bottles and plastic food packaging that are not BPA-free

  • food that don't need refrigeration (contain preservatives)
  • food with colorings: Eg char siew, ice cream, cake
  • artificial sweetener: NutraSweet, Aspartame, Xylitol, Maltitol, Saccharin, Maltodextrin 

  • processed or cured meat: ham, sausage, bacon, salami, jerky, contain carcinogenic nitrites
  • salted pickles like Kim Chi & Chinese yellow-green preserved veggies and salted ferment soy bean paste contains carcinogen = N-nitroso
  • salted fish popular in South China cuisine linked to cancer

  • non-home cooked food: 95% use cheap seed oils: canola, corn, sunflower, safflower, soy, veggie oils, these promote inflammation & premature aging
  • milk has antibiotics & female hormones (to make cows produce milk year round)
  • non-free range cows are fed grain, is unnatural and changes chemistry of beef

  • Sugar, honey and all sweet fruits and juices
    > Green banana /papaya, blueberry, raspberry, blackberry, grapefruit, apple, pomegranate,, guava kiwi fruit, peach are low GI and ok
  • coffee         : most pesticide sprayed bean, try organic
  • strawberry : most pesticide sprayed fruit
  • spinach      : most pesticide polluted veggie 
  • spinach, carrots & beetroot: high in oxalates, contributes to kidney stones

  • perfumes/ colognes have synthetic fragrances & phthalates, are carcinogenic

  • mold in at home (bathrooms, walls and ceiling and sometimes UNDER stilted houses) spread spores in the air and can lead to cancer long term.
    Move out OR fix damp problem ASAP !
    Damp persists in poorly ventilated area devoid of direct heat or sunshine

Switch off 'bad' genes & keep immune system strong & ready with vitamins, minerals and other Phytonutrients

  • Vit-A: I avoid synthetic supplement (Beta-carotene) linked to higher cancer risks.
     sweet potato, pumpkin, corn with olive oil, increases absorption etc

  • Vit-B2, B5, B6, Biotin, Folic acid:  Nutritional yeast & veggies/beans & fish  
    Vit-B1, B3 best from natural sources (like Nutritional Yeast),  not supplements
    Vit-B12: low dose occasional supplement (not daily) safer, preferably 

  • Vit-C: get from supplements with bioflavonoids (pith of orange, lemon, grapefruit)
  • Vit-D: sunlight, salmon and supplement in winter with capsules or sardine oil
  • Vit-E: I avoid synthetic supplement, best is olive & rice bran oil, wheat germ, nuts 

  • Vit-K1: get from green leafy veggies
  • Vit-K2: get from Natto (fermented soybean) or supplements  

  • Magnesium: high magnesium mineral water: S Pellegrino, beans, powder supplements
  • Calcium : green leafy veggies (kale, bok choy), fish better than pills or milk/meat 

  • Zinc: see above for list
  • Selenium : see above for list
  • Iron: get from cast iron fry pan if vegan or Pescatarian 

11. Maintain good gut biome = strong immunity
  • Probiotics = the friendly bacteria needed in the gut
  • Prebiotics = fibre is food for the friendly bacteria

  • Need wide variety of BOTH to have good biome and therefore strong immunity
    We need to eat a wide variety of veggies, as their fibre is all different.
  • Kefir is better than plain old milk yogurt<< read !
    since Kefir has more pro-biotic diversity
  • non dairy Kefir is preferable
  • Prebiotics are typically fibre from veggies & fruits and there's 100s of types
  • We need to have a diversity of these fibre types for optimum health

12. Detox regularly
  • Toxins promote inflammation
  • Toxins weaken immune system
  • Toxins damage DNA
  • Toxins switches on 'bad genes'

  • Daily green, jasmine, matcha or sencha  tea detoxes blood
  • Sweating from exercise or sauna or hot shower are simple ways to remove toxins
  • Intermittent Fasting detoxes our body
  • regular (once daily) bowel movement detoxes(chronic constipation causes colon cancer)

13. Eat a wide variety of veggies to get a diverse gut microbiome

In a study, published earlier this month in the journal Nature Aging, scientists at Guangxi Academy of Sciences in China compared the microbiomes - the microorganism makeup of a living thing - of 1,575 people, ranging in age from 20 to over 100.

Explaining the findings, Dr Mosley said that the healthiest centenarians had a "diverse mix of bugs in their gut" with high levels of a "bacterial species called Bacteroidetes".

A healthy microbiome not only significantly boosts your immune system, but has been shown to reduce inflammation linked to numerous cancers and heart disease.

Dr Mosley told the Daily Mail: "We know that what, and how much, you eat play key roles in whether you stay healthy or not - but what seems to be equally important is the impact this food has on your gut microbiome, the mix of bacteria, viruses, and fungi, which live in your intestines."

The chart shows:
  • Okinawans have 50% less cancer than rest of Japan
  • Okinawans have 80% less cancer than USA
  • Is this good enough reason to eat & live like Okinawans ?  <<  <<

Specific food eaten as per BZ location

Survival testimonies, videos and books 

1. Frenchman Guy Tenenbaum bounces back from stage-4 prostate cancer (metastasized)
2. Guy Tenenbaum's how-he beat-terminal-cancer-book

3. Give up dairy to beat cancer: 
Dr. Linda Plant given months to live, changes her diet, still alive 20 years later

4. Chris beat cancer
5. Aussie tradie beats cancer 3 times after swapping beer & steak for vegetable juices: click >> here

6. 70 yo Allan Taylor beats terminal colon cancer using alkaline diet & supplements

7.  Dad-of-2 claims stage 4 cancer went into remission after switching to strict animal-free
     diet refusing other treatment. click >> here

8. 90% of cases could be wiped out by avoiding triggers caused by unhealthy lifestyles

9Mediterranean diet can stop breast cancer returning << read !

10. Don’t make this cooking mistake !  Avoid damaging Broccoli, Brussel sprouts etc
11. Countries with highest /lowest cancer rates:
12. Summary of the China study book:

14.UV-A from early & late sun has good protective effects against cancer heart disease
Below are 6 books about extreme longevity in 5 Blue Zones and their diets and lifestyle. Some are authored by scientists with PhDs, not just mere doctors. Kindle and paperback.



  1. Why do the inhabitants of this tiny Greek island live so long? << read !
  2. 9 food rules from the world’s longest-living people   

  3. Adding this to your diet helps you live to 100, according to longest-living people
  4. Japanese doctor age105-his spartan diet, views on retirement + rare longevity tips

  5. The 3 Types of Anti-Inflammatory Tea That the Longest-Living People Drink  
  6. Nutrition for Health & Longevity

  7. Living the Okinawa way


  • How to increase Telomere length

Watch >>:  

  • 11 ways to decrease DNA damage

Watch >>

  • Herbs that counter aging

                        Watch >>


Summary of foods unique to each Blue Zone

1. tea, green matcha and jasmine
2. tofu (not soy milk)
3. turmeric tea
4. natto (fermented soy bean)
5. sweet potato
6. pumpkin
7. bitter melon
8. mushroom-shiitake etc
8. daikon radish

Ikaria & Sardinia:
1. olive oil
2. red wine
3. rosemary, oregano, sage herbs
4. chick pea, fava beans, black-eye pea

1. black beans
2. corn
3. avocado oil

All zones
1. semi vegetarian
2. beans & veggies
3. more fish, significantly less red meat, chicken or pork
4. caloric restriction, dinner is lightest meal
5. intermittent fasting
6. sleep early
7. sunlight all year

India, Nepal, Sri Lanka (not Blue-Zones, but have lowest cancer rates):
1. turmeric
2. black tea
3. wide variety of beans (50% Hindus are vegetarian)
4. regular religious-fasting

Recommended veggies that include leafy-greens
1 Broccoli
2 Kale
3 Gai Choy (mustard green)
4 Mushroom
5 Sweet Potato (purple inside)

6 Bok choy
7 Cabbage  
8 Brussel sprout
9 Radish
10 Bitter melon
11 Okra
12 Coriander
13 Carrot
14 Tomato (max once a week)
15 Pumpkin (the round kind, NOT butternut)
16 Choy sum
17 Rocket / Arugula
18 Capsicum

  • Turmeric-Tofu
  • Olive-Oil
  • Matcha-Mushroom
  • Salmon-Sunlight
  • Beans-Berries
  • Various-veggies

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